SONOREX high power ultrasonic baths can be ordered with and without heating device.
Capacity of ultrasonic oscillating tanks:
from 0.9 to 90 litres
SONOREX high power ultrasonic baths can be ordered with and without heating device.
Capacity of ultrasonic oscillating tanks:
from 0.9 to 90 litres
Modular ultrasonic baths for industry, service and maintenance purposes.
From a single cleaning bath to a complete cleaning line.
Sizes of the units:
from 13,0 to 230,0 litres
Ultrasonic bath combined with shaking device.
SONOSHAKE offers a wide range of applications for sample preparation in many areas of analysis, as in environmental and foodstuffs analytics as well as in medical diagnostics. The bath has a basic area of 500 mm x 300 mm and a tank depth of only 65 mm, making it ideal for sonication of samples in laboratory flasks. The samples can be sonicated either for a selected time or in continuous mode.